শেখ হাসিনাকে ফিরিয়ে এনে বিচারের মুখোমুখি করা উচিত আকাশসীমা বন্ধ করল জর্দান-ইরাক টেস্ট ও টি-টোয়েন্টি থেকে অবসরের ঘোষণা সাকিবের যুক্তরাজ্যে টাটার কারখানা বন্ধ, প্রায় ৩ হাজার মানুষ কর্মহীন অক্টোবরে পাকিস্তান যাচ্ছেন ভারতের পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী সরকারের সমালোচনামূলক গান, ইরানি র‍্যাপারের মৃত্যুদণ্ড ২০ সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে যাদের জিমেইল টিকটক নিষিদ্ধ হলো যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ২০টির বেশি অঙ্গরাজ্যে হুমায়ূন আহমেদ সাহিত্য পুরস্কার পেলেন ইমদাদুল হক মিলন ও মাহবুব ময়ূখ রিশাদ বিশ্বসেরার স্বীকৃতি পেল ইস্তাম্বুল বিমানবন্দর ইসরাইলে ক্ষেপণাস্ত্র হামলা করল ইরান নিভে গেল বাতিঘর..... গুগল-অ্যাপলকে পেছনে ফেলে সবচেয়ে দামি ব্র্যান্ড অ্যামাজন পড়াশোনা শেষে ব্রিটেনে থাকতে পারবেন বিদেশি শিক্ষার্থীরা
Update : 17 September, 2018 02:41

Turkey warns Europe of 'new wave' of Syrian refugees

Turkey warns Europe of 'new wave' of Syrian refugees
International Desk :

Turkey's presidential spokesperson has said a major offensive targeting Syria's northwestern province of Idlib could cause a new refugee crisis from Turkey to Europe.

"Everyone's common point is that the solution must be political rather than military," Ibrahim Kalin said in the capital Ankara, after a preparatory meeting with representatives of France, Germany and Russia in advance of an upcoming four-party summit on Syria.

Kalin said that there is a general consensus that the consequences of a full-scale military attack on Idlib will cause humanitarian crises and a new wave of refugees.

He said on Friday that his government seeks to maintain Idlib's current status, protect civilians, and prevent a humanitarian crisis in Idlib.

"Of course, a new wave of migration would not only put a burden on Turkey. It could cause a new chain of crises from here to Europe. Therefore, nobody wants this," he stressed.

The bombing of Idlib will be "unacceptable," the presidential spokesperson said.

"Our expectation here from the international community and the leaders is that they give more open and clear support to Turkey," he added.

Erdogan's visit
He also added that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's upcoming visit to the Russian city of Sochi on Monday and efforts afterwards were of high importance.

Since the beginning of September, at least 30 civilians have been killed in Idlib and Hama, and dozens injured, by air raids and attacks by the Syrian government and Russian warplanes, according to activists on the ground.

Damascus has recently announced plans to launch a major military offensive to the area, long controlled by various armed opposition groups.

The UN warns that such an offensive would lead to the "worst humanitarian catastrophe in the 21st century."

Thousands of people have taken to the streets across Idlib on Friday to protest against a potential full-fledged offensive by government forces and their allies.

Activists told Al Jazeera that Friday's demonstrations took place in more than two dozen towns and villages in the province that is home to more than three million people.

In early September, the forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad launched an intense campaign of shelling, air raids and barrel-bombing of opposition-held territories. The Russian-backed bombardment has receded over the past few days.
