আপডেট : 19 September, 2019 11:01
World need international cooperation to Tackle Climate Challenges: U.N.Secretary-General

World need international cooperation to Tackle Climate Challenges: U.N.Secretary-General

U.N.Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Photo The New York Mail

By Tuhin Sanzid
U.N.Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, world leaders are set to focus on climate issues in 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly. World need international cooperation to face the climate emergency challenges.  

“The world is at a critical moment on several fronts,” Guterres told reporters in prepared remarks. “Climate emergency, rising inequality, increasing hatred and intolerance, as well as an alarming number of peace and security challenges. Tensions are rising everywhere.”

“I told leaders not to just come with fancy speeches but with concrete commitments,” Guterres said of the climate action summit. Later, during the question-and-answer portion of the press conference, he added, “I have three grandchildren, and I don’t want to be responsible for them to live in a semi-destroyed planet.”

The world needs international cooperation more than ever, he said, and the week ahead is designed to create solutions that respond to people and scientists. 

“Let’s face it – we have no time to lose,” Guterres said, adding that humans are losing the race against climate change. So this week, he said, he and his colleagues will spotlight that issue, “which threatens everyone and everything.”

He praised the upcoming Youth Climate Summit on Saturday and commended youth around the world for holding their leaders accountable for their future.

“Young people are leading the debate, and they are absolutely right to press us to do better and to unite behind science,” he said.  

secretary-general also condemned the recent attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, which it says was perpetrated by Iran. Yemeni Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility for the attack. President Donald Trump announced today that he would order new sanctions on Iran in response. 

U.N. experts have already left for Saudi Arabia to investigate the incident, Guterres said. 

“I strongly condemn this attack,” Guerres said. “I think this attack is a dramatic escalation in the Gulf, and we absolutely need to stop – immediate impact on the market.”